✨New JS Tools — #47 | 20–26 November 2022
remix-page-blocks, fast-array-join, react-solid, jsdoc2vitepress, numix, pico, stacking-order, and more!
remix-page-blocks by AlexandroMtzG
Simple page block editor with Remix and Tailwind CSS.
fast-array-join by anonrig
61% faster array join for JavaScript.
react-solid by ipenywis
React S.O.L.I.D Principles for writing clean-code
jsdoc2vitepress by luciozhang
Generates vitepress API documentation from jsdoc annotated source code.
numix by wobsoriano
Write your server code inside Vue SFC's and handle forms easily.
pico by yusukebe
Ultra-tiny web framework for Cloudflare Workers and Deno
stacking-order by Rich-Harris
Determine which of two elements is in front of the other
mastodon-profile-redirect by bramus
View Mastodon profiles on your Mastodon instance
tweetback-canonical by tweetback
A package to resolve twitter URLs to new canonically hosted twitter backups
playwa by playwa
Lightweight and powerfull framework to jumpstart your whatsapp bots (node.js) 🗿🍷
openops by ThePlugJumbo
OpenOps is an open source, self hosted Next.js business dashboard. Bring Google Analytics, PayPal, Stripe, and more into one UI.
sharing-GUI by yunying1
Easily share files to multiple devices on the LAN/Public Network.
TwitterSearchTokenTest by T-Ev
Comma AI guy made a Tweet ;)
vitepress-plugin-autobar by luciozhang
Generator sidebar for Vitepress based on file and directory structure.
kuiper by machikado-network
A HTTP Client for Cloudflare Workers
four by CodyJasonBennett
💎 Minimal three.js alternative in 4KB.
lite-store by ultimatecourses
Reactive Stores with entities and frozen state, without the headache
mastodont by selfagency
CLI blocklist importer for Mastodon admins
satset by jefrydco
Run lighthouse behind authentication
bakery by luc-tielen
Serving freshly baked Eclair programs over HTTP
Surveys-App by DevMateusz
An application for creating surveys, sharing and reading responses
nytrss by cmoog
A mirror of NYT RSS feeds with full article text inline, ad-free, no paywall.
refs-cli by jaywcjlove
Command line tool to generate Quick Reference website.
jewish-date by Shmulik-Kravitz
Jewish Date is a Hebrew date to Gregorian date and vice versa converter.
rpc-proxy by shark0der
Proxy requests to different Ethereum RPC servers and optionally alter the request.
httpx by belgattitude
Delightful http exceptions for node, edge & browser. Serialization/SSR and logging in mind.
analytics by aesirxio
A powerful and compliant web Analytics platform
esdeka by pixelass
Communicate between iframe and host
stackoverflow by w3c
Find current questions and answers at Stack Overflow related to various web-platform technology areas
async-array by Fluzko
Async array management
unplugin-strip-exports by wobsoriano
Remove specific named exports in your JavaScript code.
slate-serializers by thompsonsj
Serialize Slate JSON objects to HTML and vice versa. Define rules to modify the end result.
sqrl by sqrl-lang
A safe, stateful rules language for event streams
release-notes-finder by maxgfr
An utility to find versions of a npm package with their release notes on Github
tap-ssc by nichoth
Run tests in a browser environment from the command line
aiworksjs by vukrosic
OpenAI Codex Playground in your editor
woolly by ostera
a little mastodon client
n-level-comments-js by akshayraichur
A simple app which demonstrates a comments section, which has reply to each comment.
InlineLayoutSwitch by codrops
Two ideas for animating images from an inline layout to a column and grid-based one.
mastodon-link by masrly
Chrome extension for opening mastodon style links in your instance for ease of following
Golify by Aarya5122
A full stack todo application built using MERN stack
distortion-effect-blotter.js by python019
Text distortion effect in Blotter.js