✨New JS Tools — #45 | 6–12 November 2022
html2svg, ungh, fontpie, logmark, twix, htmx-components, Heex, arrow-js, and more!
html2svg by fathyb
Convert HTML and `<canvas>` to SVG and PDF using Chromium
ungh by unjs
🐙 Unlimited access to github API
fontpie by pixel-point
Get your layout shifts optimized with a CLI-generated piece of CSS
logmark by stasbubnoff
Simple, lightweight and dependency free nodejs logger
twix by Idered
Style React components with TailwindCSS
htmx-components by reggi
🧩 Async HTMX + JSX
Heex by heexcloud
yet another commenting system
arrow-js by justin-schroeder
Reactivity without the framework
text-finder by egoist
Image-to-text (OCR) app that works offline
nestjs-typeorm-commands by michaldudek
TypeORM CLI commands for NestJS
react-router-map by forinda
A declarative routing library that maps your routes and uses the react-router-dom library so that you focus on the logic rather than route configuration.
js-generate-password by ahmadjoya
js-generate-password is usable for every javascript and typescript based project like react, vue, node, etc
fast-json-clone by rhysd
Clone plain JSON value faster than the fastest
qwik-styled-ve by wmertens
A 0-runtime styled-components-like API for Qwik using vanilla-extract.
ticklens.js by ArturVargas
A JavaScript SDK for create your own Ticket solution with Lens Protocol
svelte-svg-spinners by luluvia
A collection of SVG Spinners components for Svelte.
unilight by felippe-regazio
Unicode text highlighter
sv-tooltip by sharu725
A tooltip utility for Svelte and Sveltekit
nym by Nym-HQ
An open-source personal website infrastructure for developers
f-of-xstate by simplystated
Tools for operating on xstate state machines as data by Simply Stated
astro-rome by nikolaxhristov
🏛️ AstroJS Rome tools. Format, lint and check your Astro website with Rome.
unplugin-web-components by WX-DongXing
Building vue3 components to webComponents on vite
pager-rn by ajsmth
Controllable pager component for React Native
flight-tracker by alii
Dashboard for when you are on a plane. Works by connecting to the inflight Wi-Fi network and pulling flight stats from their Wi-Fi portal.
derive-zustand by dai-shi
A function to create a derived Zustand store from stores
music-player by codewithsadee
A fully responsive web music player using vanilla javascript, Responsive for all devices, build using html, css, and javascript.
utap by dmaevsky
Micro TAP formatter
js2nix by canva-public
Node.js modules installation using Nix
local-storage-encryption by emqx
Obfuscate key-value pairs in localStorage.
altium_js by gsuberland
altium.js - Altium SchDoc parser and renderer, in the browser.
who-blue by wesbos
A browser extension to separate lords from peasants
vscode-vector-aquarium by le-nn
An joke extension for vscode. Make your vscode an aquarium and heal you!
youtube-to-notion by AdelDima
Copy Youtube playlist into Notion in a click
wa-tunnel by aleixrodriala
Tunneling Internet traffic over Whatsapp
NodeInject by DiamondHunters
An inject tools for injecting js code into electron application
ts-json-parser by samzhangjy
A JSON parser written with TypeScript type system.
redditSaver by erohtar
Automatically Download Saved Reddit Posts & Comments as Markdown Notes (into Obsidian)
disposable-mail-api by EsteveSegura
Generate multiple disposable mails.
passGenerator by impulsado
Email, Passphrase and Normal mode Password Generator.
pasteburn by pasteburn
Pasteburn is a self-hosted, anonymous pastebin that features burn-after-read and end-to-end encryption.
scratch-map by ad3m3r5
An open-source scratch-off style map to track your travels.
eight-dollars by wseagar
A browser extension that shows twitter blue vs real verified users
imdb-table by docyx
IMDb rating tables for TV shows.
world-cup-api by liverday
⚽ Your 2022 Worlds Cup API
night-vision by project-nv
Highly customizable charting library, created for professional traders