✨New JS Tools — #41 | 9–15 October 2022
satori-html, fp-ts, zodix, nuxt-web-bundle, nuxt-session, minimist, fresh_charts and more!
satori-html by natemoo-re
An HTML adapter for Vercel's Satori
core by fp-ts
Functional programming in TypeScript
zodix by rileytomasek
Zod utilities for Remix loaders and actions.
nuxt-web-bundle by danielroe
Generate web bundles with Nuxt
nuxt-session by sidebase
Session middleware for nuxt projects
minimist by minimistjs
parse argument options
fresh_charts by denoland
A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
satori-syntax-highlighter by shuding
Satori based syntax highlighter
sveltekit-satori by geoffrich
Dynamically generated social images from Svelte components
pocketrss-dashboard by pocketrss
PocketRSS - A powerfull RSS aggregate server in 1 file.
next-siwe by ian
Sign in with Ethereum for Next.js
enhance-remix by jacob-ebey
Playing around with Enhance SSR
jotai-urql by jotai-labs
Jotai integration library for URQL
apollo-server-integration-h3 by apollo-server-integrations
An Apollo Server integration for use with h3 and nuxt
react-query-useEffect by ipenywis
Why you should use react-query instead of useEffects for API Calls?
motions by pheralb
✨ Copy and paste beautiful UI components. Using Tailwind CSS & HeadlessUI.
jwt-auth-service by phamtuan090720
User Authorization and Authentication System with Jwt
pocketbase-typegen by patmood
Typescript generation for pocketbase records
svelte-kit-test-helpers by joshnuss
Testing utilities for SvelteKit
vue-satori by josueayala27
vue-satori is a component rendering for vue satori and satori-html
dolmen by viridia
UI component library for Solid.js with SSR support
folder-stack by phantomstudios
A fullstack app to show the images within a local folder in a vertical list.
penpot-exporter-figma-plugin by penpot
Penpot exporter Figma plugin
peek.nvim by toppair
Markdown preview plugin for Neovim
the-photo-gallery by Inlustra
A simple, featureless (By design) full-width photo gallery.
vitour by pheralb
⚡ A search engine with awesome things related to Vitejs.
pass-converter by google-pay
Tool to convert passes for different wallet apps from one format to another
github-label-updater by garganshu
Update label of Github issues
wallet-sign by marcusmolchany
✍️ Easily sign any message using your Ethereum wallet
supabase-vscode-extension by zernonia
Unofficial Supabase Extension
delete-function by cuixiaorui
vscode extension quick delete function
stable-ui by aqualxx
🔥 A frontend for generating images with Stable Diffusion through Stable Horde
TheMovieDB-API-Wrapper.js by MarketingPipeline
A JavaScript library for EASILY fetching info from TheMovieDB API with support for torrent file names.
Obsidian-Double-Click-Tab by Quorafind
A plugin to modify the default behavior when you double click on the tab title, like close tab.
sandwich-scanner by 0xnogo
Library to detect on-chain sandwich attacks
what-song-is-this by bolubee101
Twitter bot to find what song is playing in a given uploaded twitter video.
enwords by aykutkardas
Analyze and Track English Words - Chrome Extension
blurrit by tusharnankani
blurrit — a web extension to make your WhatsApp safe and to make you feel safer 🔓
slideon by shaheenhyderk
Slideon is a simple component which creates beautiful slide switches, by converting html checkboxes, with zero latency and easy integration.