✨New JS Tools — #40 | 2–8 October 2022
sharing, slash, cypress-plugin-api, nuxt-security, open-in-code, and more!
sharing by parvardegr
Sharing is a command-line tool to share directories and files from the CLI to iOS and Android devices without the need of an extra client app
slash by toss
A collection of TypeScript/JavaScript packages to build high-quality web services.
cypress-plugin-api by filiphric
Cypress plugin to show your API information in the Cypress UI runner
nuxt-security by Baroshem
🛡 Security Module for Nuxt based on OWASP Top 10 and Helmet
linvo-scraper by linvo-io
Linkedin Automation Bot with every possible scraping! Valid for 2022 used by Linvo.io
TG-WhatsApp by subinps
Receive your WhatsApp messages on Telegram
three-good-godrays by Ameobea
Screen-space raymarched godrays for three.js using the pmndrs postprocessing library
svg by css-doodle
SVG playground
open-in-code by TheNightmanCodeth
Browser extension that adds "Open in Visual Studio Code" button to GitHub repos
shotsnap by halitsever
Node.js web screenshot library without any webdriver dependency
error-causes by paralleldrive
Simple error handling based on standard JavaScript error cause.
ts-function-inliner by JoshuaKGoldberg
TypeScript transformation that inlines calls to small functions. ⚡️
jsonvis by zuramai
SVG JSON Visualizer
anyshare by Varshithvhegde
Any Share is a simple, lightweight, and fast file sharing service. It is written in Javascript and uses the Firebase platform.
txn.xyz by dawsbot
Connect any wallet to web3 instantly
Vite-plugin-svelte by HOT-DEV
The official Svelte plugin for Vite
react-wavy-transitions by frontend-joe
Fancy route transitions for React
knip by webpro
✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JS/TS project
qwikql by TahaSh
A GraphQL client for Qwik framework.
size-compare by effector
Compare size changes of your bundle over the time and new Pull Requests.
metafy-svg by xiaoluoboding
Easily crawl a website's metadata and generate SVG as a service.
jest-type-matchers by lukemorales
Custom jest matchers to test the state of your types
marketplace by prismatic-io
Prismatic's library for embedding a prismatic.io marketplace in your app
prism by prismatic-io
Prismatic's CLI tool for managing prismatic.io resources from the command line
jest by opensaucerer
An implementation of a testing framework for Typescript applications
polyline by placemark
encode and decode between polylines and geojson
chrome-plugin-display-tag by peterroe
A chrome plugin to display the tag name of the element in the browser.
openapi-json-schema-generator by openapi-json-schema-tools
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI Spec
basic-devtools by WebReflection
Exports `$`, `$$`, and `$x` utilities as described in Chrome Console Utilities API reference
prototypal-typeclasses by skeate
Typeclasses in Typescript via prototype modification. Breaking best practices for fun and profit.
annotate by molly
Annotate text and publish it on the web
Terminal-Portfolio by TechSpiritSS
Terminal Style Portfolio made with HTML / CSS / JS
papermark by mfts
An open-source secure document sharing alternative to Docsend with built-in analytics + free custom domains.
laudspeaker by laudspeaker
📢 Laudspeaker is an open source Customer Messaging and Notification Platform that you can self host.
OnScrollViewSwitch by codrops
A layout with some scroll animations and a view switch where the content items animate to a grid.
unmusic.github.io by unmusic
UnMusic - Productivity music for Developers
jobber by plibither8
💼 Super simple API to fetch job listings from popular job boards (Ashby, Greenhouse, Lever, etc.)
odoo-js-training-public by ged-odoo
Odoo Javascript Framework Training (public version)
Threadify by pushkaraj2007
A simple way to manage and showcase your twitter threads
cybertype by MananTank
A Fast & Minimal Typing App