✨New JS Tools — #38 | 18–24 September 2022
react-email, platformatic, remote-cache, sveltosis, deploy-check, and more!
react-email by zenorocha
Build and send emails using React
platformatic by platformatic
Platformatic is a set of Open Source tools that you can use to build your own Internal Developer Platform.
remote-cache by vercel
The Vercel Remote Cache SDK
deploy-check by antfu
WIP, Prevent runtime errors earlier in CI
cicada-whereabouts by cicada-lang
Logic programming with JSON
eslint-plugin-no-pipe by arendjr
An ESLint plugin to disable the use of the pipe operator
sveltosis by sveltosis
A Svelte parser that compiles to Mitosis JSON, allowing you to write Svelte components once and compile to every framework.
vite-module-federation by gioboa
Module Federation with Vite now is possible
silmaril by lxsmnsyc
Compile-time reactivity for JS
electron-router-dom by daltonmenezes
🌎 A react-router-dom adapter for Electron apps
functional-di by Lucifier129
Dependency injection in functional style
use-inject by vthinkxie
injection-js hooks in react
factorify by Julien-R44
🏭 Framework-agnostic model factory system for clean testing
react-pixelart-face-card by decades404
React library, create random or custom pixel faces
eslint-plugin-no-optional-call by getify
ESLint plugin to disallow the optional-call operator
TDungeon by cassiozen
TDungeon is a small adventure game that runs in the Typescript type system
tailwind-color-picker by Nutlope
A chrome extension color picker for Tailwind
three-lightmap-baker by lucas-jones
Basic example of lightmapping in ThreeJS
vite-deno-example by bartlomieju
Example of using Vite with Deno
bun-aws-lambda by Jarred-Sumner
Attempting to get bun to run on AWS Lambda
nft-snapshot by nicoelzer
⚡ Take a snapshot of all NFT/ERC721 collection holders. Blazing fast ⚡
cors-hijacker by mazipan
💀 A bare-minimum solution to solve CORS problem via proxy API
mui-react-hook-form-plus by adiathasan
The complete type-safe material-ui and react-hook-form combo and beyond with simple api.
eleventy-plugin-webc by 11ty
Adds support for WebC, the single file web component format, to Eleventy.
oranda by axodotdev
Create beautiful and simple HTML pages from your Readme.md files
remove-style by KBismark
Remove inline styles from html files
astro-trpc by MoustaphaDev
End-to-end typesafe APIs in Astro wesbites made easy
solid-optimizer by lxsmnsyc
Experimental compile-time optimizer for SolidJS
nuxt-performance by gustoase
Nuxt highload functional
Code-Runner-Web-Component by MarketingPipeline
A web component that allows you to run high level programming languages on your websites (static websites included!)
trpc-forms by juliusmarminge
A tRPC integration with react-hook-form to use form with as little friction as possible.
App by Streali
The best tool to make your stream prettier.
solid-test-recorder by chris-czopp
Chrome extension to generate tests for solidjs.
TechCreators by pushkaraj2007
A website to list tech twitter creators, across the world.
sorting_visualizer by SemenovSY
sorting visualizer application
git-aicommit by shanginn
Generates auto commit messages with OpenAI GPT3 model
tabspace by jackyzha0
✍️ A scratchspace for your new Tab page
nuxt-toaster by cssninjaStudio
🔔 A simple toaster handler for Nuxt.js
comm1t by yuyinws
Find Repo's First Commit.
embed-art by wighawag
Embed your NFT art anywhere, generate preview for oldschool platforms
nuxt-vscode by cpreston321
(unofficial) Nuxt VS Code Extension
rss-manufaktur by inframanufaktur
RSS feeds for the masses. Create feeds for sites that have none.
whatsabi by shazow
Guess an ABI from an Ethereum contract address, even if it's unverified