✨New JS Tools — #37 | 11–17 September 2022
CubyText, wunderbase, socket.io-deno, colorid.js, delfin, blinkdb, strum and more!
CubyText by vincentdchan
An open-source knowledge management app.
wunderbase by wundergraph
Serverless GraphQL Database built on top of Firecracker, SQLite and Prisma
socket.io-deno by socketio
Socket.IO server for Deno
colorid.js by rustq
The unique 4-colors-ID string generator in JavaScript
react-watermark by uiwjs
A react component that adds a watermark to an area of a web page.
speech-synthesizer-react by pavel-genuine
Make your own audio narrator just writing one line of code.
svelte-presenter by stephane-vanraes
A minimal presentation package for Svelte, including a "Presenter" and "Presentation View"
delfin by amojs-xy
Delfin is new generation of SHARED-STATE manager for Vue 3 application.
blinkdb by blinkdb-js
An in-memory JS database optimized for large scale storage on the frontend.
trpc-client-devtools by rhenriquez28
An unofficial tRPC Client Devtools extension
techscriptor by cbrincoveanu
Markdown editor for technical writing.
great.db by tr1ckydev
A powerful, human-friendly database library for JavaScript using SQLite.
strum by colinhemphill
React components and styles written in Vanilla Extract
ohmyts by SnowingFox
An automated tool help you to transform backend json data to TypeScript type.
jsoncrack-vscode by AykutSarac
(WIP) VS Code extension of JSON Crack.
the-webs-next-transformation by kentcdodds
examples by remix-run
A community-driven repository showcasing examples using Remix
node-server by honojs
Hono on Node.js
drill-webgi-tutorial by ektogamat
A template for building scrollable landing pages with Gsap, ScrollTrigger and webgi engine in typescript using parcel bundler.
react-native-time-date-picker by WrathChaos
Easy to use time and date picker with lots of options for React Native
vessel by vessel-js
(Coming Soon) Framework-agnostic tool for building & deploying fast apps/docs. Powered by Vite & Vercel.
ica-doc by artdong
a cli tool to convert doc to html
Canvagif by PillowPowa
Lib for making gif in canvas
devtool-angels by Nutlope
A site that lists angel investors that invest in devtools
NextTrade by austin-starks
A system that performs algorithmic trading
react-reduce-stress by nikgraf
The name says it all
rust_serverless_runtime by tbillington
A serverless runtime in 200 lines ontop of deno and sqlite
vercel-submodules by junhoyeo
CLI to handle Private Git Submodules in your Vercel Project
sveltekit-auth-example by danawoodman
An example SvelteKit app implementing a simple authentication system.
paylink by dlcastillop
A payment organizer
BrewMyMac by ayltai
Possibly the coolest way to install apps and customize your Mac!
ready-resource by mafintosh
Modern single resource management
stable-diffusion-rest-api by yuanqing
A CLI for running Stable Diffusion locally via a REST API on an M1/M2 MacBook
CoralX by Securrency-OSS
A simple tool for Ethereum smart contracts deployment and testing
tRPC-example by nhevia
e2e type safety with tRPC
jotai-signal by jotai-labs
usestomp by livemehere
react hook for stomp
I-Dont-Care-About-Cookies by OhMyGuus
Debloated fork of the extension "I don't care about cookies" (WIP)
sqlite-weekly by nalgeon
Weekly SQLite news, articles and extensions
mevboost.org by Anish-Agnihotri
Aggregates statistics about mev-boost relays and block builders
nick-jones-experimental by kadetXx
Rebuild of NickJones's portfolio using html/css/js and the fibonacci sequence.
react-native-heroicons by nandorojo
Hero Icons for React Native.
TorpedoRead by unreleased
TorpedoRead is an innovative browser extension that biohacks your brain into reading quicker with a deeper focus
httpstatus by shfshanyue
fixBing by DarkPhoenix2704
An extension to make Bing usable
env by pmndrs
An app to create, edit, and preview HDR environment maps in the browser