🔥Hot JS Tools — #50 | 11–17 December 2022
unovis, Speedometer, codeimage, colord, piral, zapatos, express-zod-api, d2-docs, civet, and more!
unovis by f5
Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript
Speedometer by WebKit
An open source repository for the Speedometer benchmark
codeimage by riccardoperra
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS
colord by omgovich
👑 A tiny yet powerful tool for high-performance color manipulations and conversions
piral by smapiot
Framework for next generation web apps using micro frontends.
zapatos by jawj
Zero-abstraction Postgres for TypeScript: a non-ORM database library
express-zod-api by RobinTail
A Typescript library to help you get an API server up and running with I/O schema validation and custom middlewares in minutes.
d2-docs by terrastruct
Language documentation for D2.
Civet by DanielXMoore
The CoffeeScript of TypeScript
ts-rest by ts-rest
RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
makemd by Make-md
Make.md gives makers the ultimate experience on Obsidian
trpc-sveltekit by icflorescu
End-to-end typesafe APIs with tRPC.io for your SvelteKit applications.
vite-plugin-react-swc by vitejs
Speed up your Vite dev server with SWC
swr-devtools by koba04
A DevTool for SWR
DenoGres by open-source-labs
Deno + PostgreSQL = DenoGres
tuple-database by ccorcos
The local-first, "end-user database" database.
ts-sql-query by juanluispaz
Type-safe SQL query builder like QueryDSL or JOOQ in Java or Linq in .Net for TypeScript with MariaDB, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSql, Sqlite and SqlServer support.
Simple-webgpu by adnanwahab
designed to support interactive visual exploration of large data sets with millions of elements. The scalable visual representations are based on binned aggregation and support a variety of data types
openOutpaint by zero01101
local offline javascript and html canvas outpainting gizmo for stable diffusion webUI API 🐠
generate-subtitles by mayeaux
Generate transcripts for audio and video content with a user friendly UI, powered by Open AI's Whisper with automatic translations powered by LibreTranslate
pintora by hikerpig
An extensible text-to-diagrams library that works in both browser and node.js
picket-line-notifier by jamespizzurro
A browser extension that alerts you when you navigate to a website belonging to an organization whose employees are on strike.
capri by capri-js
Build static sites with interactive islands
vite-plugin-vue-inspector by webfansplz
jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatically.
dbSpy by open-source-labs
Visualize, modify, and build your database with dbSpy! An open-source data modeling tool to facilitate relational database development.
Hemmelig.app by HemmeligOrg
Keep your sensitive information out of chat logs, emails, and more with encrypted secrets.
kubero by kubero-dev
A Heroku alternative for Kubernetes
blowfish by nunocoracao
Personal Website & Blog Theme for Hugo
solid-devtools by thetarnav
Library of developer tools, reactivity debugger & Devtools Chrome extension for visualizing SolidJS reactivity graph
astrowind by onwidget
🚀 A template to make your website using Astro + Tailwind CSS.
flowbite-vue by themesberg
Official Vue 3 components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
domain-functions by SeasonedSoftware
Decouple your business logic from your framework. With first-class type inference from end to end.
plot by observablehq
A concise API for exploratory data visualization
likers-blocker by dmstern
A browser extension to block all visible likers of a tweet. – say NO to hate speech!
knowledge by KnowledgeCanvas
Know more, no less.
replayweb.page by webrecorder
Serverless Web Archive Replay directly in the browser
learn.svelte.dev by sveltejs
A soup-to-nuts interactive tutorial on how to build apps with Svelte
site by hackclub
🌈 The new, new Hack Club website. Built with Next.js & Theme UI.