🔥Hot JS Tools — #45 | 6–12 November 2022
crawlee, router, linendev, quicktype, coolify, erxes, ezy, analog, primereact, primevue, primeng, parca, and more!
crawlee by apify
Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Node.js that helps you build reliable crawlers. Fast.
router by TanStack
🤖 Type-safe router w/ built-in caching & URL state management for JS/TS, React, Preact, Solid, Vue, Svelte and Angular
linen.dev by Linen-dev
Google-searchable Slack alternative for Communities
quicktype by quicktype
Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
coolify by coollabsio
An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify alternative.
erxes by erxes
The open-source Hubspot alternative enables SaaS providers and digital marketing agencies/developers
ezy by getezy
GUI client for gRPC/gRPC-Web.
analog by analogjs
The fullstack Angular meta-framework
primereact by primefaces
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
primevue by primefaces
Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
primeng by primefaces
The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
parca by parca-dev
Continuous profiling for analysis of CPU and memory usage, down to the line number and throughout time.
yari by mdn
The platform code behind MDN Web Docs
hadmean by hadmean
Generate powerful, fully functional, ready-to-be-deployed admin apps with just a single command in seconds.
solid-start by solidjs
SolidStart, the Solid app framework
vue-vben-admin by vbenjs
A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
fzf-for-js by ajitid
Do fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript
BlockNote by YousefED
A "Notion-style" block-based extensible text editor built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
model-viewer by google
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
gradejs by gradejs
GradeJS analyzes production Webpack bundles without having access to the source code of a website.
node-mysql2 by sidorares
fast mysqljs/mysql compatible mysql driver for node.js
DevExtreme by DevExpress
HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development
ni by antfu
💡 Use the right package manager
text by nextcloud
📑 Collaborative document editing using Markdown
PeerTube by Chocobozzz
ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser
atrilabs-engine by Atri-Labs
Full stack web development framework to build Progressive Web Apps (PWA) faster.
next-fetch by vercel-labs
Intuitive data fetching for Next.js
rxjs-insights by ksz-ksz
See through the observables.
twidge by twidgeapp
Twidge is a fresh approach to productivity. It integrates with your workflow and allows you to be your most productive self.
micromorph by natemoo-re
A very tiny library for diffing DOM nodes
web-editor-markdown by Ben-love-zy
A Markdown editor in browser with collaborative editing
medplum by medplum
Medplum is a healthcare platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality compliant applications.
misskey by misskey-dev
🌎 An interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
growi by weseek
GROWI - Team collaboration software using markdown
webstudio-designer by webstudio-is
🖌 Webstudio Visual Designer
rss-to-activitypub by dariusk
An RSS to ActivityPub converter.
OimoPhysics by saharan
A cross-platform 3D physics engine
watching-you by jj811208
watching-you is a javascript library for building animations that watch anything on DOM 👀.
paperlib by GeoffreyChen777
An open-source academic paper management tool.
sorting_algos by daweedkob
Various sorting algorithms visualizer
tweak-new-twitter by insin
Browser extension which removes algorithmic content from Twitter, hides news & trends, lets you control which shared tweets appear on your timeline, and adds other UI improvements
darkreader by darkreader
Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
vscode-jupyter by microsoft
VS Code Jupyter extension
vscode-codeql by github
An extension for Visual Studio Code that adds rich language support for CodeQL