🔥Hot JS Tools — #44 | 30 October–5 November 2022
lenstube, soul, crowd.dev, kysely, missing, brail, protobuf-es, nuxt-security, bruno, devtools-x, and more!
lenstube by lenstube-xyz
Decentralized video-sharing social media platform, built using Lens protocol. 🌿
soul by thevahidal
A SQLite REST and realtime server
crowd.dev by CrowdDotDev
The community-led growth platform, built with developers in mind.
kysely by koskimas
A type-safe typescript SQL query builder
missing by bigskysoftware
The classless-ish CSS library you've been missing
brail by sinclairnick
💌 Transactional email that feels different
protobuf-es by bufbuild
Protocol Buffers for ECMAScript.
nuxt-security by Baroshem
🛡 Security Module for Nuxt based on OWASP Top 10 and Helmet
bruno by usebruno
Local-first Opensource API Client
devtools-x by fosslife
Collection of offline first developer utilities available as desktop application. all in one place, cross-platform!
vite-plugin-progress by jeddygong
A progress bar plugin for Vite.
remix-forms by SeasonedSoftware
The full-stack form library for Remix and React Router
zip-it-and-ship-it by netlify
Intelligently prepare Node.js Lambda functions for deployment
vue-hooks-plus by InhiblabCore
High-quality and reliable Vue3 Hooks library
vuestic-ui by epicmaxco
Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
react-arborist by brimdata
The complete tree view component for React
baojs by mattreid1
⚡️ A fast, minimalist web framework for the Bun JavaScript runtime
hypertrons-crx by hypertrons
Hypertrons chrome extension: aims at tracing, digging and gaining insight into the projects and developers you're interested in.
ballerine by ballerine-io
Ballerine is an open-source infrastructure for user identity and risk management
passport by gitcoinco
Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
tldts by remusao
JavaScript Library to work against complex domain names, subdomains and URIs.
broz by antfu
A simple, frameless browser for screenshots
knip by webpro
Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JS/TS project
tailwind-merge by dcastil
Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts
trash-cli by sindresorhus
Move files and folders to the trash
liveblocks by liveblocks
The all-in-one toolkit to build collaborative products like Figma, Notion, and more.
lamina by pmndrs
🍰 An extensible, layer based shader material for ThreeJS
chronotrains by benjamintd
Shortest times between train stations in Europe
tonscan by catchain
TON blockchain explorer
sprig by hackclub
🍃 Learn to code by making games in a JavaScript web-based game editor.
reduced.to by origranot
Free Modern URL Reducer. Make sure to share love by giving it a star.🌟 Have a great day!
pokemon-cards-css by simeydotme
A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards.
ng-icons by ng-icons
The ultimate icon library for Angular
pulsar by pulsar-edit
Next generation hackable editor for the future
brackets by brackets-cont
An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Developer_Quiz_Site by freeCodeCamp
This is a quiz site filled with over 1000+ questions on programming.