🔥Hot JS Tools — #42 | 16–22 October 2022
htmx, appsmith, supabase, Restfox, ultra, remult, asta, hono, fnm, typescript-json, and more!
htmx by bigskysoftware
</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
appsmith by appsmithorg
Low code project to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API.
supabase by supabase
The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
Restfox by flawiddsouza
Offline-first web HTTP client
ultra by nachoaldamav
JavaScript package manager
remult by remult
A CRUD framework for full stack TypeScript
asta by yisar
Resumable SSR framework
hono by honojs
Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
fnm by Schniz
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
typescript-json by samchon
Super-fast Runtime validator (type checker) with only one line
threlte by threlte
A three.js component library for Svelte.
memlab by facebook
A framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks and analyzing heap snapshots
lucia-sveltekit by pilcrowOnPaper
A simple authentication library for SvelteKit
nxtp by connext
Nxtp is a lightweight protocol for generalized crosschain transfers.
renovate by renovatebot
Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
webc by 11ty
Single File Web Components
growi by weseek
GROWI - Team collaboration software using markdown
atproto by bluesky-social
A social networking technology created by Bluesky
wp-calypso by Automattic
The JavaScript and API powered WordPress.com
Maskbook by DimensionDev
The portal to the new, open Internet. ([I:b])
Developer_Quiz_Site by freeCodeCamp
This is a quiz site filled with over 1000+ questions on programming.
tldraw by tldraw
A tiny little drawing app.
unclutter by lindylearn
A modern reader mode and article library for your browser.
wappalyzer by wappalyzer
Identify technology on websites.
vscord by leonardssh
😎 Fully customizable VS Code extension to get Discord Rich Presence integration.
perfsee by perfsee
a set of tools for measuring and debugging performance of frontend applications
primevue by primefaces
Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
RedisInsight by RedisInsight
A visual tool that provides capabilities to design, develop and optimize your Redis application. Query, analyse and interact with your Redis data.
linen.dev by Linen-dev
Google-searchable Slack alternative for Communities
lucide by lucide-icons
Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.