🔥2024#2: Linkwarden: Self-hosted Collaborative Bookmark Manager
📅 January 7-13, 2024
linkwarden: Self-hosted collaborative bookmark manager
Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of online links? Linkwarden is your lifesaver, a self-hosted, open-source bookmark manager that helps you organize, archive, and collaborate on your web discoveries. Capture screenshots and PDFs of important pages, save them to collections, share them with friends and colleagues, and even send them to the Wayback Machine for eternal preservation. Linkwarden is the ultimate tool for keeping your web knowledge organized and accessible.
triplit: A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client
Triplit is a real-time database that seamlessly synchronizes data between your server and browser. It's like having a full-stack database in your app, handling both server-side storage and client-side caching. With features like real-time updates, offline mode, and CRDTs for collaboration, Triplit makes building real-time apps a breeze. Plus, it's fully open-source!
paint-board: 🎨 A powerful multi-end drawing board
This drawing board is packed with creative tools, including 12 different brushes, eraser, selection mode, multi-function menu, zooming, and more. It's available in English and Chinese and supports multiple canvases. Let your creativity flow! Demo
better-commits: A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commit guidelines
This CLI tool makes it super easy to generate consistent commit messages with prompts, and it even infers ticket and commit type from your branch for extra convenience. Better-commits also integrates with better-branch for consistent branch creation and workflow hooks, plus it has a bunch of other cool features like interactive git status/add, color-coded commit message previews, git emoji support, and configurable settings. Install it today and start writing better commits!
mutative: Efficient immutable updates
Say goodbye to tedious handcoding of immutable updates and embrace the simplicity of Mutative, a JavaScript library that transforms immutable updates into a breeze. With its remarkable speed, beating out the competition by up to 10x, Mutative makes working with immutable data a breeze.
subql: an Open, Flexible, Fast and Universal data indexing framework for web3
SubQuery is a data indexing framework for web3 that helps developers create decentralized products. It's easy to use and allows anyone to query and extract data from Polkadot networks in minutes and at no cost. SubQuery is also multi-chain and supports other leading blockchain networks.
gateway: A Blazing Fast AI Gateway. Route to 100+ LLMs with 1 fast & friendly API
Portkey's AI Gateway is an incredibly fast and lightweight tool that simplifies your interactions with hosted large language models (LLMs). It seamlessly connects to various LLM providers, ensures your app's resilience with fallback mechanisms, and offers automatic retries for optimal performance. Plus, it's backed by extensive testing and can handle over 100 billion tokens.
ant-codeAI: AI generate code
Ant-codeAI is a tool that uses OpenAI and Gemini technologies to generate code. It supports web (React, Vue, Tailwind CSS), native (react native) and other codes. It is generated using GPT-4 Vision. Code is generated by taking screenshots, drawing drafts, and inputting ideas.
LiveMock: A comprehensive tool for API development and testing
LiveMock is your one-stop shop for API development and testing. It's packed with features like dynamic mocking, cross-platform compatibility, API proxy support, mockjs integration, and comprehensive logging and analytics. Whether you're creating mock data, forwarding requests, or tracking API traffic, LiveMock has you covered.
schedule-x: Material design event calendar and date picker
Schedule-X is a versatile calendar and date picker library that seamlessly integrates with your web development workflow, whether you're using React, Vue, or any other framework. Its lightweight virtual-DOM implementation ensures smooth performance and compatibility with various browsers.
VChart: VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller
VChart is a versatile charting library that seamlessly adapts to various platforms, including desktop, H5, and mobile apps. It empowers data visualization with comprehensive annotation, animation, flow control, narrative templates, and other storytelling tools. This library not only elevates data presentation but also streamlines development workflows. see also VTable
dockge: A docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
Dockge is a self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager that is easy to use and reactive. It has many features that make it a great tool for managing your docker stacks, including interactive editor for compose.yaml, interactive web terminal, convert docker run commands into compose.yaml, and file based structure. It is also very responsive and has a fancy UI.
firecamp: Developer-first OpenSource API DevTool
Firecamp, the developer-friendly API dev tool, takes care of it all, from design and testing to documentation and CI/CD. With its intuitive interface and cross-protocol support, Firecamp streamlines API development and promotes seamless collaboration among team members.
More tools to explore:
ocr-pwa: A simple PWA for OCR, based on Tesseract
cobalt: save what you love
dokemon: Docker Container Management GUI
shadcn-vue: Vue port of shadcn-ui
Is-Prime: O(1) Algorithm to check if number is prime that works in 95%+ cases
food-delivery-multivendor: Enatega is a fully realized and customizable food delivery application
priompt: Prompt design using JSX
background-snippets: Collection of modern, background snippets
solid-ui: Beautifully designed components built with Kobalte & TailwindCSS