firecrawl: 🔥Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown
Firecrawl is a tool that can turn entire websites into a special kind of text format (.markdown) that's easy for artificial intelligence to understand. Just give Firecrawl a website address and it will automatically crawl all the pages, including those that use fancy Javascript, and convert everything into clean, well-organized text.
llm-scraper: Turn any webpage into structured data using LLMs
LLM Scraper is basically a toolbox for programmers that lets them turn website info into a neat organized format. It works with different big language models and makes sure everything is coded cleanly. You can feed it raw website code, markdown files, just text from a website, or even screenshots and it'll sort it all out for you.
next-view-transitions: Use CSS View Transitions API in Next.js App Router
import { ViewTransitions } from 'next-view-transitions'
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<html lang='en'>
logtape: Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers
a handy logging library for JavaScript and TypeScript. It's easy to use, works in a bunch of environments like Deno and browsers, and lets you customize how you see logs. You can even add your own logging destinations! LogTape keeps things simple by having no other libraries it relies on, and lets you organize your logs with categories and templates. Give it a try!
tiny-world-map: a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps
tinyworldmap is a lightweight world map that works great with Leaflet, a popular mapping library. Even on old phones, the map will load smoothly at any zoom level, thanks to its tiny size (under 500kB) and special coding that makes it super fast.
depth-limit: A GraphQL.js validation rule for limiting the depth
This GraphQL validation rule is like a security guard for your server, making sure complex queries don't crash it. It limits how deep and tangled queries can get by restricting things like how many times a field can be nested or how many times a list can be inside another list. It can even be set up differently for regular queries and special introspection queries, and you can customize it to allow or deny specific levels of nesting for certain fields. Basically, it keeps your server safe from getting overloaded by crazy queries.
import http from "http";
import { createHandler } from "graphql-http/lib/use/http";
import { depthLimit } from "@graphile/depth-limit";
import { schema } from "./schema.js";
// Create the GraphQL over HTTP handler
export const handler = createHandler({
validationRules: [
// Options here
ppai-next-starter: A boilerplate for building SaaS products
ProjectPlannerAI StarterKit is basically a starter pack to help you build SaaS products. It's like a pre-built foundation with all the cool tools you might need to get going, including things like Next.js for building the app, TypeScript for a robust codebase, Drizzle for managing your data, Stripe to handle payments, Shaden for styling components, and Tailwind CSS for making your app look snazzy.
PostCSS plugin to convert design tokens to CSS custom properties and utility classes.
wallet: A powerful self-custody wallet built for the decentralized web
More tools to explore:
jetpack: next.js 14 starter kit
shadcn-phone-input: Simple and formatted phone input component built with Shadcn UI
magic-string-stack: magic-string with the capability of committing changes
job-information-crawler: linkedin, seek job information crawler
zustand-slices: A slice utility for Zustand
goff: Sync GitHub issues offline into a local folder
OnScrollTextHighlight: Some scroll-based effects for text highlights
workers-hono-rate-limit: Hono-compatible middleware for rate limiting requests with Cloudflare Workers
memcode: Organize your files and download them in your browser
json-to-form: A project to demonstrate Dependency Injection Pattern with JSON based HTML forms