draw-a-ui: Draw a mockup and generate html for it
An app that uses tldraw and the gpt-4-vision api to generate html based on a wireframe you draw.
You can join the waitlist at draw-a-ui.com
nextjs-postgres-email-client: An email client built with the Next.js App Router and Postgres
react_request: A Tiny Custom React hooks for making request.
import useRequest from '@blacktea/react-request'
import getFooApi from '@/utils/axios'
function App () {
const [{ loading, error, data }, fetch] = useRequest(getFooApi)
useEffect(() => { fetch() }, [fetch])
if (loading) return 'loading'
if (error) return 'error'
return data && <div>{data}</div>
nuxt-edgedb: Nuxt 3 integration for EdgeDB
integrating Nuxt 3 with EdgeDB. EdgeDB is a database that can be added to a Nuxt 3 app with minimal configuration. The integration is effortless and seamless, and it includes features such as live schema updates, typed query generation, and integrated database management. It also supports flexible authentication with Email or OAuth.
github-lite: WIP GitHub client built with React Aria Components + Tailwind CSS
highmate: An isomoprhic syntax highlighter using TextMate grammars and VSCode themes
This is a syntax highlighter that is similar to Shiki. It works in both browsers and in server-side environments. It is unopinionated about how Oniguruma, grammars and themes are loaded or from where. It supports various built-in rendering targets: HTML, DOM and CSS Custom Highlights. It supports a low-level tokenization mode, for custom render targets.
fiume: zero-dependency, lightweight finite state machine in Typescript
Fiume is a lightweight and intuitive state machine library written in Typescript and compatible with all JS runtimes. It allows you to define states, transitions, and hooks for state entry, exit, and transition events. Unlike other libraries, Fiume does not require you to hardcode state transitions. Instead, you can write the transition logic inside the transitionTo function. You can also access directly the reference of your machine and manipulate its public properties.
motion: 🔥 Svelte animation library
Motion is a simple Svelte animation library. Instead of being limited to animating CSS properties using a JavaScript animation library, or the Web Animations API, it uses values that change over time, to animate any property.
More tools to explore:
image-dimensions: Get the dimensions of an image
GPTHub: 🔍 Discover the Best in Custom GPT at OpenAI's GPT Store
HackerGPT: An AI-powered assistant designed to aid ethical hackers in their endeavors
WebcamGPT-Vision: Lightweight GPT-4 Vision processing over the Webcam
rdt-li: A self hostable, feature rich, minimalistic URL shortener
htmlbook2pdf: GitBook to PDF
bussin: An esolang in TypeScript, for heaven's sake.
auto-playwright: Automating Playwright steps using ChatGPT.
Hyphen: An elegant custom element base class
vscode-shadcn-vue: Shadcn Vue VSCode extension
edge-vscode: Official extension for VSCode
gudam: A tiny store management library for react.