⭐Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager – all in one.
▶Workspaces in package.json
▶Bun.dns and node:dns
▶Sockets using node:tls and node:net
▶Support for node:readline
▶Custom headers in WebSocket
▶Improvements to "bun wiptest"
▶Performance boosts
▶Support for HTTPS_PROXY
▶Module resolution changes
⭐Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
▶Initial support for database views (Preview)
▶Multi-schema support for SQL Server (Preview)
▶Prisma Client Extensions improvements
▶Introspection and Migration engine improvements
▶Prisma plugin for JetBrains IDEs
▶Accelerate (Early Access)
⭐Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.
▶Promises over the wire with "defer"
▶Built-in support for bundling CSS
▶New route conventions for Remix v2
⭐Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
▶Nodenext compatibility
▶Replace content-type with fast-content-type-parse
▶Add types for fastifyInstance.addresses()
▶Add fastify-postgres-dot-js plugin to ecosystem docs
⭐The open-source Shopify alternative ⚡️
▶feat(medusa): Nested Categories Admin Update Endpoint
▶feat(medusa-react): Upgrade react-query and clean up dependencies
▶feat(medusa): Emit events on product category mutations
▶feat(medusa): Allow custom created_by on order edits
▶feat(medusa): Retrieve (service + controller) a product category
▶feat(medusa, stock-location, inventory): Allow modules to integrate with core
▶feat(medusa): Validate module required properties
▶feat(medusa): List (service + controller) product categories
▶feat(medusa): Transaction Orchestrator
▶feat(medusa, medusa-js, medusa-react): Add endpoint to retrieve product tags from the storefront
⭐Declarative routing for React
▶Add unstable_useBlocker/unstable_usePrompt hooks for blocking navigations within the app's location origin
▶Add preventScrollReset prop to <Form>
▶Added pass-through event listener options argument to useBeforeUnload
▶Update <Await> to accept ReactNode as children function return result
▶Improved absolute redirect url detection in actions/loaders
⭐Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment
▶Port codemods to TypeScript, add codemods for replacing Nudge and SidebarTab components
▶Add display: inline-block style to Nudge -> Pulsar codemod
▶Update doc site for v7 migration guides
▶Add codemods for ejecting/replacing classic/deprecatedDefaultTheme objects
❗Remove glamor
❗RIP classic theme
❗Remove deprecated components: Nudge, SidebarTab and SegmentedControl
⭐Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
▶Add format method to time scale to format timestamp using scale options
▶Change 'normal' update mode to 'default' as documented
⭐web development, streamlined
▶add "text(...)" helper for generating text responses
▶enable access to public env within app.html
⭐Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
▶Improved email stability
▶Updated Casper to v5.4.5
⭐Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
▶New Action Type Generator to import types from Table
▶Revamped Cron Triggers page with Request Transforms added
▶CLI enhancements for database seeds
▶Data Connectors Beta API
⭐Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
▶core: Add Prometheus metrics for n8n events and api invocations (experimental)
▶Item Lists Node: Table tranformation
⭐A low-level toolkit to create floating elements. Tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more
✅Highlights: @floating-ui/react
▶feat(useDelayGroupContext): return isInstantPhase boolean for conditionally applying fast transition durations with useTransition hooks
⭐⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
▶apps: dim vue version
▶dim expand arrows color
▶plugin: add source icon in custom inspector
▶reduced toolbars height to the header height
▶remove plugin icon from header tabs
▶remove vue logo from header to save space
▶update Nuxt logo
▶vue3: inspect event listeners on components
▶hook: cleanupBuffer performance + auto-cleanup of old events
⭐A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
▶Support for custom directive order
▶x-mask: Allow overriding thousands separator
▶Remove letters from money mask
▶Allow await in invalid expression wrapper
▶Introduce x-teleport values/modifiers
▶Refactor: remove next tick import
▶Use supercommas to break up comma-containing list items
▶Docs: switch unpkg to jsdelivr
⭐Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
▶add suggestions for redundant wrapping in prefer-regex-literals
⭐Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
▶TypeScript syntax helpers
▶Add a codemod to fix underconstrained-implicit-instantiation errors only detectable under LTI
❗Implicit coercion of booleans to numbers is consistently disallowed.
❗Binary arithmetic errors are now reported on the expression rather than the operands, and use error code unsafe-arithmetic.
❗keyof, undefined, never, unknown, and readonly are now reserved types.
⭐Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals
▶"yarn new" instead of "yarn create-plugin"
▶New Package: @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-react
▶New Package: @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-sentry
▶New Package: @backstage/repo-tools
▶Scaffolder Improvements
▶Backend System Progress
▶Event based updates in GithubOrgEntityProvider
⭐Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework.
▶Pan torwards cursor when zooming on GUI Editor
▶Material: Make the frozen mode more user friendly
▶[XR] Better error handling in XR Hand constraint behavior
▶[XR] Remove a 180 degree flip (an old relic)
▶instanceof will return false if element is created from a different window object than the global one
▶Add support for instanced meshes in STLEXPORT
⭐🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa
▶export urllib types
⭐Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React
▶"layoutRoot" prop. When component has "layout" and "layoutRoot" props, it will perform layout animations instantly but all children will perform layout animations relative to it.
⭐The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
▶More precise Hex to HSL conversion .Now HSL values round to 5 decimal places instead of 0
⭐Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
▶Add "sync" tickmode option
⭐The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
▶Implement detect silence
▶Allow changing parameters of black detect
▶Create segments from scene changes or keyframes
▶Make timeline zoom exponential
▶Allow combining overlapping segments
▶Improve "cut finished"-dialog
▶Improve snapshot capture
▶Reorganize settings page
▶Add setting to disable hevc
⭐Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
▶computedAsync: Introduce "shadow" option
▶createInjectionState: Return state when providing injection state
▶reactivePick: Add test cases
▶useAsyncState: Add test cases
▶usePointerLock: New function
▶useThrottleFn: Add test cases
⭐The future of Node.js REST development
▶don't override req.log if set during .first
▶use req.log on audit plugin
❌don't override req.log if set during .first
❌use req.log on audit plugin
⭐</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
▶Normalise history cache key URLs, and prevent collisions in boosted anchors that use relative links.
▶Added Quarkus Qute fragments as one of the implementations
▶Add events support for WebSockets
▶History cache embargo
▶Ability to trigger preload always (not once)
▶[RFC] Trigger preload module on htmx:load
▶Actually pass original event on to htmx:configRequest
⭐📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!
▶Use plugin_sponsorships, plugin_sponsorships_sections and plugin_sponsorships_size to display the amount you funded into open source software through GitHub sponsors
▶Also display people and organization you're sponsoring or sponsored in the past
▶Add support for --winter debug flag to force winter mode on calendars
⭐The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
▶GenerateCsv option to generate the whole entire data
▶Add size attribute to badge directive
▶Add listener for close overlay
▶Add customizable autoHide timeout
⭐🧱 A suite of React components .
▶A new disableRipple flag is added to CustomerProvider to allow users disable the ripple effect in Button, Nav.Item, Pagination, etc.
▶Breadcrumb: improve font color for active item
▶Button: improved button color when hovered and activated
▶Pickers adjust the position of the clear button
⭐🏪 One component to pick them all
▶Exclude emojis from picker
▶More CSS variables to control preview font-sizes
▶Relay event arg to onClickOutside callback
▶Better right-to-left support for RTL languages
⭐💊 Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
▶feat(react/utils): Add useProxy() hook
▶feat: reorganize entry points
⭐The react library to build dashboards fast.
▶Update recharts & eliminate vulnerabilities
▶Allow slots for button & merge button styles
⭐Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text.
▶Add right angle marker to euclidean style
▶Split Optimization Status Tab Into Constraints and Objectives
▶Add visualization of computational graph of energy in inspector
▶Staged diagram generation in automator
▶More domain examples
▶Substance mutations as data + refactored program generator
▶Increase coverage of geometry domain for use with textbook problems
⭐🧩 The Browser Extension Framework
▶Stable root cache
▶Init with local template
▶Added clear() function and revamped init hydration
❌Breaking change: container root renamed from "root" -> "__plasmo".
❌Breaking change: Svelte root is now under a root div instead of document.body, similar to other frameworks <- this is intended for the future svelte portal.
⭐🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber
▶Line: support for LineSegments2
▶Controls: adding CameraControls
⭐A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax
▶Add skip argument to the retry middleware