✨2023#1: Gist Database: Transform gist into key/value data store
📅 January 1–7, 2023, Highlights: pretty-cache-header: cache-control header utility | act: A reactive library | trpc-limiter: Rate Limiter For tRPC | solid-intl: A universal (i18n) for Solid
gist-database: ✨ Transform gist into your personal key/value datastore.
pretty-cache-header: Cache-control header utility that parses human readable time strings into seconds.
import { cacheHeader } from 'pretty-cache-header';
return new Response(..., {
headers: {
// sets cache control header to "public, max-age=604800, stale-while-revalidate=31536000"
'Cache-Control': cacheHeader({
public: true,
maxAge: '1week',
staleWhileRevalidate: '1year'
act: Act is the most efficient reactive library in both: speed, size, correctness.
trpc-limiter: Open Source Rate Limiter Middleware For tRPC. Supporting Upstash, Memory Store And Much More
solid-intl: A universal internationalization (i18n) for Solid inspired by React Intl & FormatJS
import { IntlProvider } from '@cookbook/solid-intl'
render(() =>
<IntlProvider locale={usersLocale} messages={translationsForUsersLocale}>
<App />
CUA: create-universal-app(CUA) is an opinionated template for creating fullstack universal apps (Expo, Next, tRPC, Prisma, Clerk, Solito, Tamagui)
element-plus-nuxt: Element Plus module for Nuxt
vue-mafs: Vue components for creating interactive math visualizations, based on Mafs.
dodai: Static Site Generator
floom: A free recording tool with inset video
Typability: a WYSIWYG markdown editor based on Milkdown.
▶Fluent Design - Use FluentUI components with Mica\Arcylic background
▶Lightweight - Bundle with tauri for smaller installer size and memory usage
▶WYSIWYG Markdown - provides Typora-like seamless Markdown editing experience
terminalGPT: Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal
butler.vim: 🫖 Your butler. A ChatGPT like Vim/Neovim plugin that communicate with the OpenAI APIs
chatgpt-whatsapp: A simple WhatsApp bot that uses OpenAI's ChatGPT to respond to user inputs.
Twitter-Comment-Bot: A bot that comments on tweets containing a specified keyword
node-chatgpt-api: An API layer for ChatGPT, powered by @transitive-bullshit's chatgpt-api (chatgpt on npm).
valtio-signal: Another React binding for Valtio proxy state
import { proxy } from 'valtio/vanilla';
import { $ } from 'valtio-signal';
const state = proxy({ count: 0 });
setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
const Counter = () => (
Count: {$(state).count}
zustand-signal: Another React binding for Zustand
import createStore from 'zustand/vanilla';
import { $ } from 'zustand-signal';
const store = createStore((set) => ({
count: 0,
inc: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
const Counter = () => (
Count: {$(store, (state) => state.count)}
create-react-signals: A factory function to create signals for React
encoder: Encoder is a web-based tool that allows you to easily encode text into various formats, including base64, binary, MD5, Morse code, QR code, Unicode, URI Component, and more.
▶Encode text into a variety of formats
▶Simple and clean user interface
▶Multilingual support with automatic language detection
▶No installation required, simply visit the website to use the tool
▶PWA functionality allows for offline use
swipeable: Svelte action to emit swipe and tap events, ported from react-swipeable
svelte-component-to-image: Renders a standard Svelte component as a .png for easy dynamic image generation.
▶Renders a normal svelte component as a png
▶Component props are supported for dynamic image generation
▶Use basic CSS like flexbox and absolute positioning (See valid CSS)
▶Lightweight and fast (doesn't use canvas or puppeteer)
▶Load custom fonts: tff, otf, woff accepted (woff2 not accepted currently)
open-stylable: Web component where styles leak in, but they don't leak out
nostr-relaypool-ts: A Nostr RelayPool implementation in TypeScript using only nostr-tools library as a dependency
genzo-cli: A CLI tool to rapidly scaffold your projects for development with custom templates ⚡️
▶Fetch your custom templates stored in GitHub or your local file system.
▶Fuzzy searches your list of templates for convenience and ease of use.
▶Interactive prompts using Inquirer to automate common tasks in repository setup.
▶Can detect a Monorepo template and install deps in all packages.
▶Checks the presence of Husky scripts and makes them executable so you don't have to!
▶Make use of slots to quickly replace repeated patterns in the generated repository.
▶Supports CLI arguments to automatically initialize Git, install packages and open your preferred code editor.
browser-exec: A small library to execute code in a browser without the need for pupeteer or selenium.
human-web-token: 🍬 An opinionated human friendly JWT inspector for your terminal.
mess: 🌀 A modern, broker-agnostic, distributed message queue for deno
import { AMQPMessageQueue } from "https://deno.land/x/mess/message_queue/amqp.ts";
import * as json from "https://deno.land/x/mess/serializer_deserializer/json.ts";
const queue = new AMQPMessageQueue("test", {
serializerDeserializer: json,
connection: Deno.env.get("AMQP"),
for await (const [event] of queue.on("message")) {
postcss-doodle: PostCSS plugin that enables the use of css-doodle generators
MS-Cursor: 🖱️🐁 Modern and Simple cursor design
sveltescape: A stunning storybook alternative made with Svelte for Svelte
ScatterSafe: Backup your secrets securely and reliably.
webp-converter-browser: Convert image to webp in browser side
vr-art-gallery: View ultra-realistic artwork using virtual reality.
marketplace: Market place for VuePress2 plugins and themes
js-polars: JS bindings to polars
pluv: Multi-platform, type-safe realtime packages
unframed: Prevent your site from being embedded
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/proudparrot2/unframed/script.js"></script>
reactotron-react-query: Is there a plugin for Reactotron that allows for similar functionality to the React Query Devtools?
devlogs-validator: Devlogs Validator is a library to validate data in client or server.
ezog: Easily generate OG images dynamically without using a browser
▶Support for custom fonts.
▶Support for font size and line height.
▶Support for ellipsis.
▶Support for word breaking.
▶Support for specifying number of lines.
▶Support for Twemoji.
▶Support for embedding images.
og.anuragroy.dev: OpenGraph Image Generator for anuragroy.dev
CircleCI-Env-Inspector: A NodeJS tool for discovering all your secrets on CircleCI
vim-online-editor: Vim Editor. In the Browser
SOC-Multitool: A free and open source tool to aid in SOC investigations!
▶Lookup IP Reputation using VirusTotal & AbuseIPDB.
▶Lookup IP Info using Tor relay checker & WHOIS
▶Lookup Hash Reputation using VirusTotal.
▶Lookup Domain Reputation using VirusTotal & AbuseIPDB.
▶Lookup Domain Info using Alienvault.
▶Lookup Living off the land binaries using the LOLBas project.
▶Decode Base64 using CyberChef.
▶Decode HEX using CyberChef.
▶Lookup File Extension Info using fileinfo.com
▶Lookup Filename info using File.net
▶Lookup MAC Address manufacturer using maclookup.com
▶Parse a UserAgent using user-agents.net
▶Lookup Microsoft Error codes using Microsoft's DB
▶Lookup Event ID's (Windows, Sharepoint, SQL Server, Exchange, and Sysmon) using ultimatewindowssecurity.com
url-snake: a fully playable game of snake using URL
scribepod: Some of the scripts I use for scribepod @ https://scribepod.substack.com/, an automated AI podcast
spook: Mixing service using the Nym network to anonymize Ethereum RPC calls
YogaSmart: AI based Yoga instructor using Yoga Pose Detection
frontend-mini-challenges: Frontend Mini Challenges implemented in ReactJs
github-error-solve: This is an Open Source repository. Our main goal is to solve any github error or issues and help other to feel comfortable using GitHub.