✨New JS Tools — #52 | 25–31 December 2022
react-ts-form, fest, cuid2, html_semantic_seg, emojicam, datacore, datacore, url-animations, and more!
react-ts-form by iway1
Build maintainable, typesafe forms faster 🏃💨
fest by DimiMikadze
SaaS boilerplate built with Node.js & React.
cuid2 by paralleldrive
Next generation guids. Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance.
html_semantic_seg by dmvaldman
Tool to create a dataset of semantic segmentation on website screenshots from their DOM
emojicam by bwasti
personal project to render webcam data directly as emoji 😃
datacore by blacksmithgu
Work-in-progress successor to Dataview with a focus on UX and speed.
url-animations by LunarFang416
Add loading animations to your website in your browser URL field.
ramen by ohayouarmaan
Ramen - A micro framework for creating REST API in Nodejs
scriptful by Playful-Systems
Create better package.json scripts
relno by ppodds
A fully configurable release note generation framework. Allow you to automatically generate a beautiful release note from commit messages and pull requests.
mirotalkwebrtc by miroslavpejic85
🛠 A self-hosted MiroTalk's WebRTC rooms scheduler server.
nicehook by robot12580
Simple and reusable Hooks.
form-editor by fouita
NoCode form builder built with Svelte and Tailwindcss
svelte-aio by rayriffy
Automatic image optimization for SvelteKit. Inspired by NextJS.
qrcode-generator by encoresky
Easy and simple way to generate QR code
_stats by UdaraJay
A self-hosted, real-time analytics dashboard.
hc by honojs
TypeSafe HTTP Client for Hono [WIP]
haydi by cyco130
A wannabe Vite for Deno
jlbun by lucifer1004
Using Julia in Bun!
napi-wasm by devongovett
An implementation of the napi API for WASM.
obsidian-terminal-plugin by clevcode
About Terminal plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/) - Supports editing files with Neovim and other terminal based editors!
polyclip-js by steveruizok
A JavaScript implementation of the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm.
figma-plugin by placemark
Create maps with Figma
activitypub-starter-kit by jakelazaroff
A tiny, single user, Mastodon-compatible ActivityPub server.
chat-gpt-jupyter-extension by TiesdeKok
A browser extension to provide various AI helper functions in Jupyter Notebooks, powered by ChatGPT.
react-native-openai-jsx by cawfree
⚛️ 🧪 🤖 Use OpenAI to generate functioning React Native components!
almostmagic by losideadores
Add AI 🪄 to your app with one line of code
react-redux-chatgpt by spinda
🤖 Prototype your webapp's frontend by using ChatGPT as your backend
semantic-search-openai-pinecone by mharrvic
Semantic search with openai's embeddings stored to pineconedb (vector database)
vue-typed-virtual-list by bsssshhhhhhh
Small, efficient, type-safe virtual list for Vue 3
juice by Atticus64
A fresh and sweet script to configure and personalize windows terminal
react-native-reanimated-image-viewer by andresribeiro
A image viewer for React Native created with Reanimated
openlens-node-pod-menu by alebcay
Node and pod menus for OpenLens
react-simple-pull-to-refresh by trendy0413
A Simple Pull-To-Refresh Component for React Application with 0 dependency. Works for Mobile and Desktop.
teiki-protocol by teiki-network
Teiki protocol implementation in Generation I
vue3-base by VuePlusOrg
A Vue3-based project infrastructure that can help you quickly and engineer Vue3-based project development.
ecommerce-next13beta by amirfakhrullah
E-Commerce site built with Next.js 13 Beta (and other packages like tRPC, Next-Auth, Prisma, etc)
next-apollo-joy-starter by TimMikeladze
🚀 😊 A slightly opinionated starter kit for creating fully typed Next.js apps with a pleasant developer experience.
merry-timeline by guillaume
A library for displaying hourly data.
code-design by nauvalazhar
Level up your coding skills with hands-on design challenges.
Tiktok-Mass-Downloader by xsrazy
Download all tiktok videos including description from username without watermark.