🔥Hot JS Tools — #52 | 25–31 December 2022
minisearch, microfeed, evershop, noble-curves, schema, hyper-fetch, Reactive-Resume, and more!
minisearch by lucaong
Tiny and powerful JavaScript full-text search engine for browser and Node
microfeed by microfeed
a lightweight cms self-hosted on cloudflare, for podcasts, blogs, photos, videos, documents, and curated urls.
evershop by evershopcommerce
Node E-commerce Platform
noble-curves by paulmillr
Minimal, zero-dependency JS implementation of elliptic curve cryptography.
schema by fp-ts
Schema validation with static type inference
hyper-fetch by BetterTyped
⚡ Backend agnostic data-exchange framework for any javascript environment.
Reactive-Resume by AmruthPillai
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
morethan-log by morethanmin
A Static Blog and Resume using Notion Database
svg-screenshots by felixfbecker
📸🧩 Browser extension to take scalable, semantic, accessible screenshots of websites in SVG format.
dax by dsherret
Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
shumai by facebookresearch
Fast Differentiable Tensor Library in JavaScript and TypeScript with Bun + Flashlight
react-hotkeys-hook by JohannesKlauss
React hook for using keyboard shortcuts in components.
profileme-dev by danielcranney
Create an awesome GitHub profile in minutes
skeleton by skeletonlabs
A fully featured UI toolkit for Svelte + Tailwind.
github-trends by avgupta456
🚀 Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics!
emoji-mart by missive
🏪 One component to pick them all
suid by swordev
A port of Material-UI (MUI) built with SolidJS.
tailwindcss-radix by ecklf
Utilities and variants for styling Radix state
svelte-splitpanes by orefalo
A predictable responsive component to layout resizable view panels supporting an multitude of advenced features
flowbite-svelte by themesberg
Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
astro-paper by satnaing
A minimal, accessible and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme
nostream by Cameri
A Nostr Relay written in TypeScript
nostr-tools by fiatjaf
Tools for developing Nostr clients.
Green-Wall by Codennnn
🟩 GitHub Contributions Graph Generator.
hyperview by Instawork
Server-driven mobile apps with React Native
prisma-trpc-generator by omar-dulaimi
Prisma 2+ generator to emit fully implemented tRPC routers
Cronicle by jhuckaby
A simple, distributed task scheduler and runner with a web based UI.
tamagui by tamagui
Universal UI kit and style system for React Native + Web - with an optimizing compiler 🚄
nxapi by samuelthomas2774
Nintendo Switch Online/Parental Controls app APIs.
MediaTracker by bonukai
Self hosted media tracker for movies, tv shows, video games, books and audiobooks
create-jd-app by OrJDev
The quickest and most efficient way to start new full stack, type safed Solid web app
tophat by fflewddur
View CPU, memory, and network activity in the GNOME top bar.
vscode-cssvar by willofindie
VSCode extension to support CSS Variables Intellisense
balance-text by adobe
A plugin for implementing balancing of wrapping text in a web page
fsrs4anki by open-spaced-repetition
A modern Anki custom scheduling based on free spaced repetition scheduler algorithm
client-side-rendering by theninthsky
A case study of CSR.