🔥Hot JS Tools — #51 | 18–24 December 2022
rippleui, react-wrap-balancer, github-unwrapped-2022, Discord-Bot, pixi3d, until, typist, wretch, and more!
rippleui by Siumauricio
Cleanest, modern and beatifull Tailwind CSS components.
react-wrap-balancer by shuding
Simple React Component That Makes Titles More Readable
github-unwrapped-2022 by remotion-dev
Your coding year in review #GitHubUnwrapped
Discord-Bot by CorwinDev
Discord Bot with over 400 commands and made for large servers
pixi3d by jnsmalm
The 3D renderer for PixiJS. Seamless integration with 2D applications.
until by open-draft
Gracefully handle Promises using async/await without try/catch.
typist by Doist
The mighty Tiptap-based rich-text editor that powers Doist products.
wretch by elbywan
A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
typia by samchon
Super-fast Runtime validator (type checker) with only one line
nestia by samchon
Superfast validation decorators for NestJS
copilot-explorer by thakkarparth007
Hacky repo to see what the Copilot extension sends to the server
FediAct by Lartsch
Chrome/Firefox extension that simplifies interactions on other Mastodon instances than your own.
cadl by microsoft
Cadl is a language for describing cloud service APIs and generating other API description languages, client and service code, documentation, and other assets.
serpbear by towfiqi
Search Engine Position Rank Tracking App
Simple-WebGPU by stackgpu
🦒 Functional WebGPU
fastjs-next by fastjs-team
Fastjs is a high availability, high performance JavaScript Frame.
indiekit by getindiekit
The little Node.js server with all the parts needed to publish content to your personal website and share it on social networks.
phero by phero-hq
Full-stack type-safety with pure TypeScript
allotment by johnwalley
A React component for resizable split views
statoscope by statoscope
Statoscope is a toolkit to analyze and validate webpack bundle
partytown by nuxt-modules
Partytown integration for Nuxt. Run third-party scripts from a web worker.
obsidian-projects by marcusolsson
Project management for Obsidian
neodrag by PuruVJ
One Draggable to rule them all 💍
clientdb by clientdb
ClientDB is an open source in-memory database for enabling real-time web apps.
vue-command by ndabAP
A fully working, most feature-rich Vue.js terminal emulator. Now with Vue.js 3 support!
resolvers by react-hook-form
📋 Validation resolvers: Yup, Zod, AJV, Joi, Superstruct, Vest, class-validator, io-ts, typanion, Ajv and nope.
marp by marp-team
The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem
theme-toggles by AlfieJones
Theme toggles is a collection of awesome, easy to use, animated toggles; designed for switching between light and dark modes
squint by squint-cljs
ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript compiler
material-react-table by KevinVandy
A fully featured Material UI V5 implementation of TanStack React Table V8, written from the ground up in TypeScript
sveltefire by codediodeio
Cybernetically enhanced Firebase apps
marpit by marp-team
The skinny framework for creating slide deck from Markdown
dtsgenerator by horiuchi
TypeScript d.ts file generate from JSON Schema file
zag by chakra-ui
Finite state machines for building accessible design systems and UI components.
anu by jd-solanki
Anu - DX focused utility based vue component library built on top of UnoCSS & VueUse ⚡️🔥
talk by vasanthv
Group video call for the web. No signups. No downloads.
fedifinder by lucahammer
Find fediverse addresses in the profiles of your Twitter followings
omnivore by omnivore-app
Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
laudspeaker by laudspeaker
📢 Laudspeaker is an Open Source Cross Channel Customer Messaging Platform that you can self host.
InstagramUnfollowers by davidarroyo1234
Check if people follows you back on Instagram.
pockethost by benallfree
PocketBase hosting
tweetback by tweetback
Take ownership of your Twitter data and get your tweets back
Discord-Auto-Publisher by Vedinsoh
Automatically publish messages or news in your announcement channels!
riffusion-app by riffusion
Stable diffusion for real-time music generation (web app)
chenglou.github.io by chenglou
MidJourney AI art gallery, made to show shiny UI/UX details.
powerglitch by 7PH
Tiny JS library to glitch anything on the web
Learn_Prompting by trigaten
a free, open-source guide on prompt engineering, "How to talk to AI to get it to do what you want"
wemakedevs by WeMakeDevs
Inspire. Educate. Empower.